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Case Study Solution Checklist

Case Solutions 1. What is Case Study Solution?
2. Where Can I Buy Case Solutions?
3. What is Online Case Study?
4. What is a Case Research Method?
5. How to solve Case Study?
6. Case Study Assignment Help
7. Hire Someone To Analyze My Case Study
8. Pay Someone To Solve My Case Study
9. Help With Case Studies
10. Case Study Writing Service
11. Professional Case Study Writers
12. Types of Case Study Solution
> Accounting Case Solutions
> Business Case Studies
> Economics Case Solutions
> Ethics
> Human Resource Cases
> Harvard Case Studies Analysis Solutions
> Management Case Studies
> Operations Management Case Studies
> Supply Chain Management Cases
> Taxation Case Studies
13. Examples of Case Solutions
14. Hire someone to do your Case Studies
15. How To Prepare a Case Solution
16. Submit Your Case Study

What is Case Study Solution?

Case Study Solution Case Study Solution is the solution or the answer to the problems presented in a case study. The objective of a case study solution is to analyze the situation presented in the case and reach a solution or recommendation. Case Studies are the real life business scenarios where students are expected to react to the situation presented in the case and reach real life conclusions.

Case Study Help

A case study is one of the research technique that is depended on a single case. The case studies are widespread and found in many subjects like political, sociology, anthropology, business, clinical science, social work, educational and administrative science, the case study doesn't take a population or sample to study, rather than the research emphasized on a single case, to make their observations within the long period of time. Besides, case studies are very valuable in the primary phases of research when the objective is to discover the ideas, trials, and perfect measurement tools.

Where can I find a case analysis for Harvard Business School or HBR Cases?

You can find Harvard case solutions (HBR Case Solutions) at - Number 1 website in Case Study Solutions. All solutions are done from scratch and are plagiarism free. Turnitin Reports are also provided as proof of originality of the work being done.

What is Online Case Study?

Online Case Study A methodology of creating a systematic research related to any professional experience or any specific incident is commonly referred to as case study. In other words, a case study is a method of encouraging students of different courses to participate in the real life scenarios and have a practical experience of professional life through assessing it from different perspectives. Case study is subjective and descriptive analysis of a group, person or any event.

Online case studies are available on the internet for students to practice writing a report on a given case study and to learn more about the different types of case studies available. It is also available for educators to provide students with different and informative case study and to educate them through it.

As students are not practically involved in the professional life and have only bookish knowledge thus, to give them a practical and professional life experience, almost every university incorporate such case studies in their courses. This gives the student an advantage of learning through real life scenarios.

The case studies are mostly based on the real life scenarios that had happened in the past. For instance, the corporate failures of the past of famous companies may formed a case study for business students.

1. Forms of Online Case Study

Thus there are different form of online case studies on different topics whether it be marketing, finance, law, business, hospitality, accounting, economics, geography, management etc. the various categories of case study available online for students enhances their assessment skills, and understanding of professional problems.

2. Advantages of Online Case Study

There are many advantages of online case study such as; it enhances the problem solving skills of students, gives them a realistic picture of professional scenarios, improves their analytical skills, develops the reading habit, and gives them a thorough and in-depth understanding of a person, group or event.

Also develops the understanding of ethical matters which is a necessary component in professional career. Further it encourages the students to develop their research skills and simplifies the complicated concepts. It also improves the communication skills as it enhances the vocabulary. The alternative solution reported in each case study helps in understanding the situation from different perspectives.

3. Disadvantages of Online Case study

With many advantages the online case study has disadvantages also such as; it is hard for the educator to explore such case study online which suits every subject. Also the case study is written by one person may conflicts with the ideas and thoughts of other person. Online case studies are too lengthy and is time consuming.

For the programs and courses which are of shorter duration, online case study is not suitable. The case study solutions which are available may conflicts with the student's solution as the thought and ideas are different and there is no standard answer for the online case study available. The online case studies are only suitable for the advanced and technological based programs and is not available for basic training and courses.

4. Components of Online Case Study Report

Online case study report consists of various components and the components varies as per the preferences of the educator or the institution which facilitates with such courses. Thus there are some essential components or sections which should be included while writing a case study report:

a. Cover Page:

The cover pages contains the title of the case study, the date, and the name of the writer of the report.

b. Table of Contents:

The table of contents indicated the key elements or key parts of the report with the page number reference

c. Executive Summary:

The executive summary of the online case study report contains the integral points and recommendation of the report based on the online case given.

d. Introduction:

The introduction written in the online case study report is reflects the brief description about the company and problem the case is related to.

e. Analysis:

The analysis component includes the situational analysis of the scenario given in the online case study.

f. Possible Alternatives:

The possible alternatives gives the different solutions to the given problem in the online case so that the problem could be solved with the implementation of given alternatives.

g. Recommendation:

Recommendation is the best possible solution for the online case study problem given in the report. It is recommended from the various alternatives given above.

h. Conclusion:

The conclusion is given right after the recommendation to conclude all of the above analysis.

i. Appendices:

The appendices help in the elaboration of the above written content in the report and gives a pictorial image of the situational analysis.

j. Bibliography:

Bibliography is the reference list which must be provided at the end of the online case study report to support the above analysis (if any sources used in the analysis).

The above mentioned components are the compulsory sections to be included while writing the online case study support however, many other sub-sections could be incorporated as per the given situation while creating a report for an online case study.

5. Usage of Online Case Study

Mostly, the Online case studies are used widely in the business related courses as for business students it's important to get the practical experiences. The office environment, the strategies involved in running a particular business, the limitations that business could face while taking investment decision, the major failures a business may face in its development, all these factors made it necessary for business students to get an understanding of such situations so that they can deal with such scenarios effectively and efficiently in professional life.

6. Conclusion

In a nutshell, an online case study is a great initiative in today's educational environment to educate students about the practical experiences and to give them a better understanding of the scenarios related to their professional career. Although it has some of its limitations, which restricts it usage in some of the institutes, but the advantages of learning through an online case study outweighs the disadvantages and makes it an important, and an integral part of today's advanced educational environment.

What is a Case Research Method?

Case Research Method The case based research method is the aim to analyze the specific issues of the business or industry for its bound and specific environment, situation or organization. By analyzing the design of case based research methods, it can be divided into three categories which are

  • 1. Explanatory case based research method
  • 2. Descriptive case based research method
  • 3. Exploratory case based research method

Explanatory Case Based Research Method:

The explanatory case based research method is based on the aim to answer how and why type of situations that why these specific issues or particular situations have aroused and how the company can overcome these situations. The research method which used the strategy to control the situation is called the explanatory case based research method. These type of case based research methods focused on the phenomena in the context of the case situations such as an investigation which are based on the reasons of global financial crises occurred in the year 2008 to 2010.

Descriptive Case Based Research Method:

The descriptive case based research method is based on the aim to analyze the interpersonal events and its classifications after a certain amount of time when they have actually take place. The case study includes the business researches in this category normally belongs to the culture or subcultures of any community and the efforts which are attempted to discover this culture normally become part of the descriptive case based research method. The study includes this type of phenomenon is the study of the impacts on increasing levels of multiculturalism on marketing practices in Indonesia.

Exploratory Case Based Research Method:

The exploratory case based research method is based on the aim to answer what and who type of question such as the current situation of the company or organization or country and who are affected by this situation. Exploratory case based research method is based on the data collection process that often acquired by using the additional data collection method, for example, the interviews, questioners (open and close end questions), experiments, etc. These types of case based research methods focused on the phenomena to study the differences in different leadership practices in private and public sector organizations in Atlanta, United States of America (USA).

Types of Case based Research Methods:

There are two types of case based research methods that can be chosen on the basis of the research question. These two types are broadly split into

  • 1. Qualitative case based research method
  • 2. Quantitative case based research method

Qualitative Case Based Research Method:

The qualitative case based research method does not involve numbers or any numerical data in its research. It often includes the sentences, words, language, pictures, and other observations to support the analysis and final conclusion of the case study. Qualitative case based research methods are rich in data analysis and its results give an in depth picture of the scenarios which are significantly important and useful for exploring how and why type situations that why these specific issues or particular situation have aroused and how the company can overcome these situations.

Practically, any type of phenomena could be examined under the qualitative case based research method which is often preferred by the investigations authorities such as the investigation department of United Kingdom (UK), Australia and other European countries while the case studies in the United States of America (USA) tend to use the quantitative case based research methods.

Pitfalls for Qualitative Research Methods:

  • Without any calculations or presence of numerical data, respondents might provide inaccurate and false information which might mislead the conclusion and results from the study.
  • While considering the ethics factor in the researched based case study, the respondents might avoid providing correct information due to some security reasons. Here, the researcher should be kept in mind that the research information should not be used for any other purpose and this statement should be clearly written on the survey form or to be spoken while interviewing.

Available Sources to Collect Qualitative Data:

Although qualitative data is quite general than the quantitative data still there are some common techniques to gather it which includes the

  • Interviews
  • Focus groups
  • Postcards
  • Secondary data
  • Observations

Quantitative Case Based Research Method:

In contrast with qualitative data, the quantitative case based research method always includes numbers and numerical data. The quantitative case study might be analyzed by using mathematical and statistical methods such as SPSS, STATA or EVIEWS. In case if there are no numeric numbers includes then it would not be called the quantitative case study method.

Practically, some phenomena that include themselves to quantitative analysis always include numbers such as the changes in achievements of various stages of education and an increase in senior managers of the company along with an increase in their senior management degrees. A phenomenon that does not include any numerical number in nature might be examined under quantitative methods by assigning them the numerical numbers such as 1 to male respondents and 2 to female respondents.

Available Sources to Collect Quantitative Data:

The most common sources to collect quantitative data includes

  • Surveys (open end and close end)
  • Observations
  • Secondary data

Limitations of Case based research methods:

Each and every individual has own unconscious bias, even though the research methods in a case study is designed with the core consideration to limit the impact of such biases through gathering the data that is fact based, it is the collector of data who gets the illustrates what's fact and what's not. It means the collection of real time data is based on the outcomes that the researcher has been seeking to see from the entity instead.

In addition to this, the research method in a case study requires a small size of the sample for it in order to yield an effective amount of information or data to be evaluated or analyzed. In the case of different demographics involved with the entity, or different needs to be examined, the research methods of the case study would not be efficient. The case based research method could have an error of judgment and memory and depends on the situation with no fixed limits of the investigation. Since the focus is narrow, a case study has limited representatives. Because of the narrow study, there is a likelihood of bias and discrimination in the investigation. Also, there is no possibility of classification because of studying a small unit.

How to solve Case Study?

Case Study

Solve Case Study Case study is a research strategy and an inquiry which is based on the real life problems of an individual, organization, group or an event. Case studies are in depth investigation about the particular individual, group or event.

A research that gives a detailed scenario about a person, group or event which is done for the enhancement of the writer's assessment skills in other words a written document that provide the detail information about the organization, individual, group or an event is referred as case study.

Objective of Case Study

The main goal of the case is to provide a relative material and necessary information about the organization and the problem. The objective of the case study is to find out the efficientsolution of the current problem.

Significance of Solving Case Study

By solving a case study, the reader get better understanding of the current problem that the organization or individual is facing. It would help out in order to solve a similar problem that would occur in future.

The Steps of Solving Case Study

The following are the steps to solve the case study:

Read And Examine The Case Thoroughly:

In order to solve the case study, the first step is to read the case thoroughly. Reading the case is necessary to understand that what is happening in a case in order to solve the case. Read the case carefully for more than one time, to understand the case and become familiar with the information provided in the case. While reading the case, highlight the main point, relevant facts and take notes which would be used in solving the case. While reading the case, also pay attention to the information accompanying in exhibits, tables and appendices. Thoroughly reading can help out the reader in understanding central idea of the case and make a clear image about the case and provides better understanding.

Define The Central Issue:

After reading and understanding the case, the next step is to identify the problem in the case which would be address later. Many cases involves several issue and problems. Identify the main problemsor issue and separate it from the trivial issues. After identifying the major problem of the case, examine the related problem in the functional areas such as marketing, finance, management, supply chain and so on, this would help out to better understanding of the problem and generating the effective alternatives of the problem.

Central issues is basically a current issues that the organization is facing. It is important to identify and understand the central issue of the organization which is mentioned in a case in order to solve the case and address the problem effectively. The central issue might be decreases in sale, market share, and increase in competition and so on.

Gathering Information:

After the identification of the problem, the next step is to uncover the various information which is necessary to solve the case study. It refers to gather information from various perceptive that would help out in addressing the problem and generating the alternatives. The information should be gather in following ways:

Take A Brief Introduction:

The first step in gathering the information is to take a brief introduction about the organization on which the case is published. The briefintroduction of the organization may help to identify the deep rooted problems in the case as well as it could help in understating the industry in which organization is operated, background of the organization, their related issues and better understanding of the case. Brief introduction of the company may include the strength and weakness of the company will would help in addressing the problem effectively.

Understand The Organizational Goal:

Most of the time, the inconsistencies in the organizational goal is one of the major problem. For example, the firm goal is to become a dominant market leader in the industry, or to revise their profitability, increase consumer base, expansion, diversification and so on. It necessary to understand the organizational goal in order to under and solve the problem.

Research Various Aspects of the Organization Related To Case Study:

The next step in gathering information is to research the various aspects of the organization such as the core competencies, competitive advantage and other related factors which would help out in solving the case and suggesting the alternatives

Identify The Other Related Constraints:

The next step in order to solve the case is to identify and list down all the major constraints to the problem such as limited finance availability, strong competition, personal limitation, change in consumer preferences and other political, legal, environmental and social constraints and so on. These major constraints related to the problem would be considered while suggesting the solutions.

Identify All The Relevant Alternatives:

The next step is touncover the possible solutions and the changes that are needed inorder to solve the current problem.List down all the relevant alternatives which would be considered in order to address the problem. Relevant alternatives are the one which would be suggested in order to resolve the problem. For the better understanding of the alternative, all the alternatives would be listed with their respective pros and cons. The pros and cons of the alternatives would help to select the best alternative among them.

Evaluating Alternatives:

The next step is toevaluate all the alternatives. The evaluation of the alternatives should be based on their respective pros and cons. Identify the costs and benefits which are associated with the alternatives.Evaluation of the alternatives also include the outcome by implementation of course of action and the risk association. Each alternative should be compare to their sustainability. Evaluation of the alternative help in selecting the best alternative in respect to the current problem.

Select The Best Alternative:

After evaluating all the alternatives with respect to their pros and cons, cost and benefits, the next step is to select the best alternative. By using the available fact and figures,choose the best alternative. While selecting the alternative, the main focus would be on that alternative which will address or resolve the problem efficiently. After recommended the best alternative, provide a brief explanation of not choosing the other alternatives.

Develop An Implementation Plan:

After suggesting the alternatives, the best step is to develop an implementation plan. With all the necessary information, fact and figures develop an effective plan of implementation of decision because suggesting an alternative is not enough to address the problem. In order to resolve the problem it is necessary to provide the implementation plan of decision.

Case Study Assignment Help

Case Study Assignment Help Are you looking for case study assignment help? Do you want your case brief to be researched, analyzed? If you answered yes to these questions then you need to find the right professional writing service who will give you professional writing support.

Today there are many professional assignment writers who can help you write your brief for your case studies. These writers are here to give case study assignment help so that you can take some you extra time and still be sure that your case brief will be done on time and will be well written.

Professional case study writers are very experienced, they can write your case brief using various styles of writing such as persuasive, argumentative, informative and non-informative style of writing. They can also write in short sentences. They can use different formats to write your brief. For example, they can use bulleted, sub-heading, sub-sub heading and other formats to give you different styles of writing.

A good, credible and professional case study writing service is a good, trustworthy and reliable business which comes highly recommended because of the combination of professional, qualified, experienced writers, low cost and complete dedication to client services. They will provide you with a proofreading service to ensure that all the points in your brief are grammatically correct. They will also check that the sentences and paragraphs have proper punctuation and usage. The best part of these professional writers is that they do not mind giving you a one month free trial.

As you can see from the above reasons, a case study writing service is very important for you. However, you should always be careful and choose the best professional writing service in your area because you do not want to waste your time with unreliable writers. There are many online writers who can provide you with great quality articles and case reports but you should always choose the reputable ones.

You can look for freelance writers online and then contact them to get their services or bid on your project. Once you get their service you can then negotiate the contract and terms and conditions. You can then pay them for their service in monthly installments. This way you know that you will get quality service for the amount of money that you are willing to pay.

Most writers have sites on the internet where they offer their services and if you look for freelance writers for case studies you can find a lot of websites. There are many writers with whom you can contact to get the job. Most writers are very happy to work with people like you.

You can ask freelance writers for their writing samples and then compare their writing skills and abilities and then decide which of the freelance writers you should hire for your case research project. You should make sure that they are the most reliable writers because it is your reputation that is at stake.

It is always good to interview your case research writer. You should ask him or her about their experience in researching cases, how long they have been doing this kind of work, what are their personal and professional qualifications and most importantly, how much they charge per assignment.

Before hiring your first case study assignment help writer, make sure that you know all the things that you have to do. You have to make sure that you have enough information before you hire any writer.

Always ask for a sample case report, so that you know whether the writer has the ability to write a good and well researched case study assignment. This is very important because there are some writers who may not be able to write well, especially if the work is of a high level. You do not want to be wasting your time with someone who is not capable of writing a good case report.

When you hire the writers, make sure that you get the complete details of the case report including the case title, author name, case ID, sample case report and the date when the case was written. This way, when you do your job and the writer has finished his job, you will have a copy of the case report and you will know if he or she does it right.

Hire Someone To Analyze My Case Study

Hire Someone To Analyze My Case Study Hiring a third party to analyze my case study is one of my preferred ways of helping the attorneys and court staff with which I work. The first reason is that it can save a lot of time for me and the other lawyers I work with, which is especially important when I have many cases to be handled that involve litigation. Second, an analysis by a qualified and experienced source can help me save money because it can be as accurate as possible, and this can also give me information about a case that I have never seen before.

However, there are some important things that you need to know about case studies and how to hire a third party to help analyze them for you. I will explain these two things to you here so that you are better prepared to hire this person.

It is very important that the person who is analyzing your case study has first-rate legal skills and experience. If the source that you are going to hire does not have any experience in the field he or she is analyzing, then that is obviously going to leave your case analyzed. I recommend that you get three to five case studies from different sources and compare them in order to make sure that your lawyer and the court staff have analyzed the case fully.

The next important point about finding a good source of case studies is to find a company that specializes in these. This is very important because it gives you a guarantee that your case is not only properly analyzed but thoroughly researched by experts. You might think that a company specializing in analyzing case studies would be expensive, but this is not the case. There are companies that specialize in analyzing these types of cases and all they cost you is their fee.

In addition, some case studies will come with sample documents, which will allow you to have a better idea on what you should do in your case. If you want to hire a company that specializes in these cases, you might want to consider getting at least two or three case studies that are closely related to your case. This will help you analyze the case more and will give you more ideas as to what you need to do next.

You should also hire a company that has a lot of experience in analyzing case studies. This will help you eliminate all possibilities that the company may have for guessing the way your case should go. If the company does not have much experience in analyzing case studies, you might want to hire a new company to do it.

When hiring a third party analysis to analyze your case, make sure that the person that you are hiring is willing to do the job for free. I recommend that you ask your attorney whether you are going to have to pay for the analysis. and if he or she says that it would not be necessary, then you might want to look for another company.

Another thing that you need to remember when you hire a third party to analyze your case is to make sure that the company will provide you with a report and also to make sure that you are provided with a report after the analysis is done. After the analysis, you need to send a copy of the report to your attorney and to the court.

Lastly, you should know that you need to have your case reviewed by an outside expert to review the case for possible errors or omissions. The court is required to accept the report given by the outside expert if it is valid.

These are things that you need to know when you are looking to hire someone to analyze your case. If you can't get all of these points from your attorney, then you might want to look for other sources, such as books or online resources.

The first thing that you need to do when you are looking for a company to analyze your case is to look for a company that specializes in these types of cases. This will help you greatly in making sure that you are getting the right company to help you with your case.

Pay Someone To Solve My Case Study

Pay Someone To Solve My Case Study I'm always on the lookout for ways to make my job as a legal research analyst a lot easier, and I've always been particularly fond of paying someone to solve my case studies. I'm sure you're familiar with the type of work that is involved in researching cases for the law firm of your choice, and there are some really great advantages that you'll be able to take advantage of if you do this work.

First of all, it can help you get the right questions answered as you're conducting your research, which is really useful when you're trying to understand a case that could make it to trial. Many of the cases that we see at the court house require a bit of knowledge of the law, and if you're only studying cases where the plaintiff has actually gone to trial, you'll find that you don't have any real experience with these cases, and your research will probably take a lot longer to complete than it would if you were using your legal research skills to conduct an actual case study.

The other reason why it's so important to research these cases in advance is that they can give you a better understanding of what's going on in your particular area of specialization, which is often the key to a winning case study. For example, if you're doing your case study on a law firm or corporation, it's vital that you understand all of the information that's available about that particular case, since the case itself may be in the early stages. Even if it has already reached the point of a trial, the fact that you can actually understand it from the case papers themselves can give you an idea of what's going on and whether or not the case is likely to turn out favorably for the plaintiff.

As you continue your case study on a different case, you'll start to gain a better understanding of the overall nature of the litigation, which is important when it comes to the decision making process that you'll have to use for your case analysis. You may even be able to use that information as part of your presentation to your legal research analyst colleagues when you present your case studies to them.

Finally, having the ability to use cases that you've already been involved with can provide you with a much better picture of what the overall process of litigation is like when it comes to getting to trial. If you're still in the early stages of your career as a legal researcher, you may not have many cases in which you're familiar with, and this can give you a better chance of being able to explain these types of cases to people who may be reading your case study.

There are two basic methods that you can use to pay someone to do your case study, and answer your questions for you, which are both pretty inexpensive. and extremely effective.

One method that I really like is the use of a free case study writing service, which gives you access to a whole host of case papers, including their background information and any filings that they've made in the past, along with a copy of the case itself. I prefer to use this method, because the services are very inexpensive, and I always know exactly what kind of information that is available to me. I find that the majority of the time, the writing services provide a great resource for case studies that aren't too complicated, and I can also contact any attorney that's representing the client in question for additional details.

Another option that I use quite a bit is an online service that provides me with case papers from an attorney or law firm that I'm working with but doesn't actually provide me with any other information that is related to the case. Instead, these services will give me a file folder that contains all of the information that is related to a particular case. I can then simply fill out the information, print it out and distribute to my law research analysts for them to use.

Help With Case Studies

Help With Case Studies If you need some help with case studies, there are plenty of freelance professionals out there that will provide you with professional case study writing service and help you get done with it easily and on your time frame! You do not need to worry about whether or not your case brief meets a specific deadline or about the quality of the case study.

Case studies are a great way to demonstrate your expertise in your field of expertise and gain an edge over your competitors. It is a great tool to help people see what you have done and how it has helped others. While you can hire a case study writer to write your case brief for you, if you have no knowledge about case studies, it is possible to create one on your own! This means that you will be able to show off your skills to potential clients, as well as gain more customers for your business.

Using a professional assignment writer is a good way to ensure that your case brief is professional and that it is written by someone who understands your field of expertise and writing style. There are plenty of websites on the Internet that are dedicated to helping you find the right professional writers that can help with your needs. These writers can usually give you examples of their work to help you make your decision as to which writer to hire.

Most professional assignment writers are happy to talk with you about your case before they ever begin writing your case brief. This way, you can get an idea of what they like and dislike and make sure they are comfortable working with you and understand the job that you want. Most of them will also give you a list of questions to ask and give you some time to get answers from them. This gives you more confidence in the information that they provide and helps you narrow down your search to a few professionals.

Most professional case brief writers are going to start writing your case brief based on the type of project that you have requested. This means that they are going to look at your particular field of specialization and then write a brief that can best describe the needs and accomplishments of the candidate. They are going to take into account things such as experience, educational background, industry experience, industry expertise, specific projects that you have worked on, and others, and more.

Most often, the professional will use a short-term project to develop the first draft of the case brief, and then will go through the process of rewriting and editing to get everything ready for a more polished final draft. This allows you to have a more concise and detailed, polished brief that includes all of the necessary details for your needs. Many times, a case brief can take months to develop, so it is important that your professional case writer can get a good feel for the writing process from the beginning and build on the project once it is complete.

The best part about hiring a professional writer to help you with your case brief is that they will be able to edit and revise the entire document. They can give you feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your case brief and make it perfect for your unique needs. It is a very personal document for them to write so they can understand the details and take the necessary steps to make it perfect. They can give you tips for improving the draft so that you receive the results that you deserve.

As mentioned above, there are plenty of professional assignment writers on the Internet that are willing to help you with your case brief needs. When using a professional assignment writer, this means that you will have the opportunity to get the job done right the first time around, and that you will enjoy the work more.

Case Study Writing Service

Case Study Writing Service University case studies are defined as an empirical research study, an in-depth inquiry into a particular problem from its real-world contest. Case study writing is definitely not easy especially if you do not have clear strategies on how to proceed on doing so. The following tips will give you some good pointers on how you can do well and become the best freelance case study writer.

It is important to get yourself acquainted with the terminology and rules of your chosen profession in order for you to be able to write your papers and reports as a professional assignment writer. You can try to ask an expert on the subject for help.

Professional case study writers usually use certain tools to make their writing easier. They use the use of an example or a fictional situation as an example to explain something. The use of illustrations, graphs and diagrams are all ways of making a case study as easy to understand as possible.

One of the major tools used by professional case study writers is the use of figures. In fact, these are the most commonly used figures that they use when they are writing a study. But, it does not mean that they should just stick to using just the figures that they see in the textbooks. They can also use the figures that are already available in the resources available to them or even the figure that they have found in their research.

Professional assignment writers usually use different styles for their cases. If they are using an illustration and a diagram to explain the problem then they may use a more formal style whereas if they are using graphs and a figure they may opt to use a more informal style.

Another thing that you should consider when choosing a writing service for your case brief is to make sure that they are the ones who write your case brief. Check their previous work. Their portfolio of works should include some sample case briefs as well as research papers that were written by them.

If you think that the research that professional assignment writers can provide for you is insufficient, then look into using a company that provides a complete package for your case. This package should include a sample case brief, case summary, case study outline, case analysis and case report among other things. It should also include samples of their own work.

You will never know if you can write an effective research paper by yourself but a freelance case study writer can. He or she can not only help you improve on your writing skills but also improve your portfolio as well. As such, the best tip to keep in mind is to choose a service that is reliable and professional.

When selecting an online service, you need to be careful about how much contact the company has with the students who need their services. For this reason, it is best that you make sure that the company is one of the best known online writers and not a newcomer. You can do this by checking reviews and references.

You should also ask the case writer for sample work that they have done and request that they let you see the samples. You need to check if their work is up to scratch. They should also let you see the actual case briefs that they prepared for other students as well as the sample case briefs that they prepared for your needs.

You can also ask them to show you examples of the type of work that they do. A good case writing service should be able to provide you with proof of their work and examples of the kind of work that they have completed before. These types of proof will enable you to judge the quality of their work.

Another important thing that you need to look for when choosing a writing service for your project is to make sure that they are able to help you learn as much as possible from your writing. By doing this, you can gain insight into what kind of things you can do on your own and how to ensure that you get the same level of quality.

Professional Case Study Writers

Professional Case Study Writers Case study writing services are available to those students who need help with their assigned case studies. The services offered by these professional writers allow them to participate in various important tasks while delivering their assigned work quickly and in the highest quality. This means that students can focus on the most important aspects of their assignments and avoid distractions that may slow down the process. Thanks to these services, there is an assurance of a full refund, no personal information, and total confidentiality.

Many companies specialize in offering assistance to students as they develop and write case briefs and case study essays. Many companies hire case writer services from writers who have a wide variety of writing styles and expertise. These writers will have a wide range of experience in the field of case study writing assignments. The writers will work closely with students to write their case briefs and case studies based on the information presented in the assignments. They will also provide other necessary support including editing, proofreading, formatting, and preparing the document for submission.

The case writing services provided by the professional case writers will allow the student to have complete freedom in selecting the specific aspects of their case study and to edit and format the case papers based on the information contained in the assignments. A wide range of software tools is provided for students to ensure that the documents produced by their case writing service meet specific standards for validity and quality. The case writing service provider will also provide students with sample case papers so that the student can get a better idea of the process they will be using to produce their case research. This is very beneficial for students because they can review samples and see how the software and the document will be formatted before the final paper is produced.

The student's assignment will involve a wide range of writing tasks, such as reviewing, researching, writing conclusions and recommendations, presenting the case study as a whole, formatting the document, and submitting it to a third-party online or offline service. In order to complete these assignments successfully, the student should be able to understand the instructions given and to them, and the process of using the software tools. to create and organize their case research. The student should have an understanding of how to use the various writing tools and the way they will be used to produce their assignment.

Students should always look at case studies that offer the most relevant information for their particular subject. This means that case studies should be written about topics that pertain to the subject matter and the topic chosen by the case writer. The most relevant information should be present, not just in the summary or conclusion, but also in the body of the case study.

When a student's assignment is done correctly, it can provide the student with the best possible outcome based on the information found through the case research. The student must remember that they should be able to understand what they learned and why it was important enough to research the topic. The student should understand that their goal is to provide the information in the best possible manner in order to make their case brief, essay or case study as effective as possible.

The case writing services that are offered by case writing services will also provide the student with the option to hire an independent editor in order to correct any issues and errors in the document that they created. The editors can correct any grammatical errors and typos errors in the case papers and case study and make it an even more useful document for the student. These editing services allow the student to work with their own copy. or with a copy provided by an outside agency.

A professional case writer can also help the student with writing the paper from scratch and using their own knowledge and expertise, as well as other case writing tips and techniques. These professional writing services also include other services such as editing, proofreading, and editing the entire document for grammar, spelling, sentence structure and other aspects of the academic writing. In addition to this, the case writing services also offer the support needed to prepare the case report in a format suitable for submission to different journals, publishers, professional organizations and other research organizations, as well as research centers.

Discussion of Some types of Business Case Studies with Examples

Case Studies Examples Let's discuss some case studies types and its formation so that you all will get an idea how you can attempt these types of Case studies. These case studies are entirely focused on the field of Business studies that includes four main fields which are finance and accounting, marketing, supply chain management and human resource management.

Accounting Case Solutions

The accounting involves the case studies in which first numerical analysis are done to identify the problems and issues. This can be evaluation of assets in the business, or the role to control the expenses. For instance, there are a lot of topics in accounts case studies like If two companies are merged on the basis of Partnership agreements how they will contribute their assets equally. In this type of cases once you are done with numerical functions, you will go for reasons of those numerical functions.

Business Case Studies

Mostly significantly: case studies are stories. In specific, business case studies tell the story of how your product or service assisted a person or a company attain their objectives and goals. However, case studies are an unbelievably real practise of marketing that you can practise to provide help in the promotion of your product. Case studies take a current purchaser and discover how they consume your product to help them attain their business objectives, goals and aims.

It is vital for Harvard case studies to have a proper outlines and structure. It must focused on the contributions as well. Make each heading clear with the explanation under them. After analysing the issues within the problem statements, you will also list down the solutions to solve those problematic situations. You must put abstracts, headings, project descriptions and benefits if you are doing Harvard Case studies solutions. In the last section you must include the recommendations and solutions which are essential when you are doing Harvard Case studies. Harvard case studies demands a student or scholar/researcher to conduct a hypothesis-based analysis.

Ethics Case Studies

Ethics and social responsibilities is again a vast field, and many case studies on social work are included in ethics field. The ethics case topics varies from each other. Determine the ethical dilemma in the employees, resolving conflicts, ethical behaviours are sometimes taken as a case study to analyse the issues and the problems of these scenarios. Health and safety of the employees sometimes taken as a case study to analyse the work force of the factories impacts on the employees.

For instance, if people are working in JAPAN using machines and the case studies are done to analyse how those machines rays are effecting the health of employees who are working closely with it. Issues of Bias, is another case study which includes that the top managers must not be bias to specific employee or departments. You can differentiate each employee with the other employee because it will make poor impression of your organization. Here you will examine the factors that are creating conflicts between the employees and its reasons.

Human Resources Cases

Human resource management is the process of five steps, the case studies can be of any these steps. The first step is recruiting in which case studies are done how you can recruit the best employees and how much employees you might need for an organization. For example, if you get a case study of small restaurant and there are no customers in start then you will analyse that you need only two waiters, one chef and one manager to lookout your restaurant.

It depends on the departmentalization of your organization. The second step is employees training cases, in which you identify the solutions how the employees can be trained so that they can work for an organization to complete its targets and goals. The third foremost step is appraising the employees, there are a lot of case studies in analysing the employee's performance. Appraising means to evaluate the employee's performance so the HR person will decide how he can compensate each employee or give bonus to each employee. A case study can be given to HR MAJOR Students on employees engagements through different channels.

Operations Management Case Studies

Case Study Help Operation management's case analysis are of inputs and outputs which are maintained by the organizations. It includes cases which involves quality and inventory management tools, sourcing ways like Vendor selection criteria, sourcing strategies for import products, centralized or decentralized purchasing and the role of E-procurement of the organizations.

Not only on these topics, but there are some case studies which reflects on Lean manufacturing, distribution strategies and the main reasons or factors that are effecting the organization productivity and its operation management department. The case studies are done in order to analyse the solution "How these operations can be improved?" and the students have to answers them in recommendation and solutions headings.

Supply Chain Cases

The supply chain management cases are widespread, they are found everywhere and this is the most fast developing field of all business studies. The case studies captures the organization process of preparing the product and supplying it to the retailers and wholesalers. Green procurement impacts on Supply chain case studies are often take to analyse how it has positively change the perceptions of packaging in global industries. As a result, the solutions of these case studies are prepared in order to improve Supply planning and operations fields.

Economics Case Solutions

The economic case studies are further divided into macro and micro economic case studies. Not only the organizations are taken for the case studies of economics but the case study can be conducted on a country on a large scale also. The macro case studies are based on the growth of the countries with the growth of the GDP. Whereas, the micro case studies deals with the factors that reflect the cases of economics impacts on the company. Demand and Supply cases can help an organization to understand how much product should be product and how much it should be supplied and on which day.

Management case studies

Management of all the resources whether they are raw material, or assets or the employees. The principles of managements enfolds all the cases. Management is a dry subject and doesn't involve any numerical questions but it demands relevant examples and high content to complete those case studies. There are multiple projects which are done on the course of management which also includes social media management, marketing management, operations management and human resources management plus financial management. There is a core concept of management in every field, because the management is needed to add value in every process of the business.

Harvard Case Studies Analysis Solutions

Let's take a case study example and its analysis with the solutions of Walmart Corporation. The purpose of the case study was to analyse whether the Walmart's concern those nations who only use their manufacturing products or else if they will enter into that kind of matter what will happened. Case study analysis helped the Walmart in decision making process.


Case Study Solution Walmart should not believe anymore that the sale ends their relationship with a customer. Closely one-third of the study shows that the revenues which were generated by the leading U.S. research company's concern customer satisfaction. Companies want reassurance that the customer enjoyed the buying experience and that the product or service lived up to the buyer's expectations. Walmart should do researches to inspire buyer satisfaction responses.

That is why, before entering into the market of a country like India, Walmart needs to analyze keenly what obstacles it had faced while penetrating in China and South Korea. However, for that investment, proper budgeting should be needed in order to find that the revenues that Walmart can reap would be worthy and how long it will take to get back the invested amount and to reach break even. A significant advantage research is that it combines important problems that should need consideration and can be solved as soon as identified.


Walmart decided to start its operations in early 90 s because the company realized that maximum opportunities were considered, and it would be better to explore new market around the world. Some of the investment decision might not go right like in Chinese market, but if alternative three would consider than the probability of failure would reduce to a great extent. By thorough research, the consumption pattern of the consumers can be learned and then company can operate accordingly and more effectively.

Moreover, population thickness and convenience must be measured and to localise the shops and markets within the local consumers interest and with the high user-friendliness to distribution structures and infrastructure. Limited guideline along with international agreements must also be checked. In order to enter in the competitive market with the native market, it is utmost important to retain essential capabilities by gaining comparable corporations and slight network with extraordinary performance status.

To become number one departmental stores chain, Walmart has to expand its chain in many countries and to incorporate with different countries social, economic and political value, a lot of research is needed or else it would be extremely risky investments for Walmart to create projects in new and different countries and marketplaces before assessing the threats and incomes. Along with this, to reduce the expected risk, research beforehand is so crucial and important for Walmart.


Different outcomes from these endeavours are acknowledged along with its details and basics like; project's location selections, periods of entry and ways of entry. Therefore, there was a difficulty which is the failure of its process mainly in Asian states which higher a query for Walmart that what the ventures of its success are if the company scheduled to go for increase in India in 2013.

In order to overcome the problem, three alternatives was considered which are; 1) Recover the Value and Knowledge of Current Shops beside with Growth.
2) cut down Its Operations in Asian Market or
3) Extensive Research before Penetrating in Asian Market or Market like Them.

The best alternative would be the third one, as Walmart would be able to operate different markets with low risk of failure and more expected return. This is because alternative one discusses investing on already established areas which is already giving enough profit without any further investment need so spending on it would not be that significant for Walmart.

Second Alternative focuses on cutting down the operations of not so profitable regions. It also highlights that continuous striving and forcing itself for market share is not fruitful in short-term and does not seem any beneficial in a long term. Besides that, by cutting down operations there will be heavy loss as all the operating investment which has already done will go in vain. That is why the third alternative seems to have maximum potential to give more of the benefits.

Indeed the research is costly; however, it is worth conducting in order to gain valuable information of the social, economic and political environment as well as the customer preferences and needs in order to guard from any future problems that may occur while operating in regions outside the United States.

Examples of Case Solutions

Let's discuss some of the case studies which business students usually get, these case studies are based on the different fields like supply chain management, performance and retention of employees, marketing case analysis, and development and spending ETC. Here you will find 10 amazing case studies that will help you if you are a business student.

Example #1: Sony's Gaijin CEO reorganizing the company

Sony is an electronic company having a huge product line of Walkman, radios, and televisions. Suddenly the market of Sony analysed that the countries like Taiwan, Korea and Japan products of LG and Samsung sales were increasing due to their advancement of technology in their products. The products of LG and Samsung demands of televisions with quality screens were attractive. However, the company was facing financial crisis and losses due to the most important factors one that they have not developed their Research and development, secondly the employees were not focusing on their work rather than they were making judgments. Sony hired Stringer as its CEO.

PDF of Sony Corporation Case Study

Stringers said, that Sony Company needs to change their decentralization organization into centralization organization. The main reason was to turn the organization into mechanistic organization, who will follow the straight deadlines. Whereas, he has nothing to do with the strategies but he focused entirely on the employee's rules and regulations.

In this case studies, students were asked to analysed which factors and forces impacts this organization to change its way to decentralize to centralize, the main reason was poor decision making of top management due to which many careless employees were taking an advantage. The case study is used to analyse the organizational design and how it can be managed by the employees. Because employees has an impact on the performance of organization.

Example #2: Downfall of Companies like ORKUT and NOKIA

Companies like ORKUT and Nokia case studies are often taken to study what were the reasons of downfalls behind them. Why the ORKUT is no more a social website to use, also the Nokia lost its potential customers in the market. It is important to know why NOKIA failed and how you can learn from it. Myopia was the reason of NOKIA fall down, they ignored the customer's need that can occurred in the future, rather than they kept producing the mobile phones of Microsoft office software. Though, the company ignored the element that the customers were expecting for Android Phones.

PDF of Nokia Case Study

Someway, Nokia corporation losses its worth in the competitive market. ORKUT case study analysis is also very important to figure out the issues, that they were lacking in technologies. When Facebook was launched, the customers were fascinated with the features of it. Later on, the ORKUT suffered huge loss in market just because it lost the vision of its customer's needs. That's why the companies should not ignored its marketing environment and must focus on the Research and development departments. The case studies are taken from business students to determine the reasons of failures of these companies.

Example #3: Employee Engagement in Tough Time

Gamal Aziz walked in as a president of the MGM grand hotel and Casino, he didn't just take on a $400 million trim up of the hotel, he worked on the employees as well. The company was lacking in the employee engagements, he applied various strategies to build and improve the customer loyalties. He arranged annual dinners and informed his employees the time and dates of its happening. Due to those strategies, the employees were engaged towards the organization, and they were sharing their ideas through communication.

How Lays Company Analysis its Market- Case Study and its Solutions

Lays Pepsi Company, a wide range of chips flavours offered in a packet full of taste. Lays Company focused on the differentiation strategy, they aim to create more and more flavours according to the needs of the customers. They expanded their target markets, no matter what location is, what gender or age is but everyone was enjoying the tastes. Through its huge promotions in the market, the sales of sales were increase rapidly. Lays Company have more than 12 different flavours.

PDF of PepsiCo INC Case Study

Example #4: David Berman

The study has to do with retail stocks. David Berman shared his experience concerning accounting quotes and relationship between stock management and incomes. The idea has been discussed in the study that how the management controls operating margins through inventories.

PDF of David Berman Case Study

Gross margins of companies would be greater if business's inventories are growing quicker. Financiers position greater evaluations in terms of greater sales rather than greater appraisals in terms of higher stocks.

Berman believed that the worth of the company is precisely forecasted through evaluation of stocks. There is likewise a principle of inventory re-building according to which total sales grow faster than stocks, as in the year 2003 when there was a rapid increase in GDP from 2.3% to 3.5%, which served as a part of inventory rebuilding.

In the example of Saucony, a shoe business has been recognized that in 2003 although the sales were flattish and inventories had actually declined about 20% over year, it was indication of future gross margins and a year later on the stock had doubled. Its revenues per share increased from $0.85 to $1.29(2002-2004).

Here is Excel Solution of David Berman Case Study

Example #5: Dozier Industries A and B

Part A:

Dozier Industries is a company associated with the business of developing electrical security system that assists in providing security. Throughout 1966, it began to concentrate on developing the system for military operations in Vietnam nevertheless; quickly the United States involvement in the nation reduced due to which the need for the organizational product also decreased in relation to it, consequently the company decided to focus on private sales. Throughout 1993, it released a marketing effort for appealing need from abroad area about its item offerings and as a result of its success; it has the ability to protect an agreement from one of the production company in the UK.

Part B:

Richard Rothschild is still stuck to the issue of managing the foreign currency risk, as he is not satisfied with the use of either forward contract or cash market hedge in order to hedge versus the threat of Pound depreciating against the dollar. In the previous deal, he is unable to make a profit margin of 6% on the agreement due to using these strategies. These methods could only hedge versus the disadvantage danger however; it would not make it possible for the company to get any upside potential.

In order enable for any upside potential along with the hedging of disadvantage threat, he spoke with John Gun for advising any sort of other hedging strategy that would supply both the advantages.

Here is Excel Solution of Dozier Industries A & B Case Study

Example #6: Simon's Hostile Tender

As an independent director of Taubman, I owe an obligation towards our stakeholders to take choices which are in their long-term advantage. Voting for the proposed deal will strongly depend on the quote cost used by Simon and the long-term vision of the trust.

A suggested share price of $20 represents a substantial premium over the existing share rate of $14.5; we might counter that the deal with combined cash and equity in parent (Simon) would be more advantageous. If Taubman Centers has long term tactical vision to grow through horizontal diversity then, the Simon's offer seems to be attractive.

Prior to electing the proposed offer, I wish to look at comparable private market transactions; this is not constantly easy and needs a comprehensive assessment of every shopping mall and shopping centre. Usually, the most frequently reported measurements used are Net Asset Value (NAV) and Adjusted Funds from Operations (AFFO). If results of using valuation model describe a share price lower than the proposed offer then the deal will be financially practical, on the other hand if the design reports a share price higher than proposed then the deal would not be economically feasible.

Here is Excel Solution of Simon's Hostile Tender Case Study

Example #7: Stermon Mills

Harvard Case Solution & Analysis Stermon Mills, a fine paper producer was included in 1910. The mill was a collection of 20 buildings, one pulping plant and four paper makers. The oldest device, which was installed at the time of incorporation of the business was named as Little Jack and then in 1950s 2 makers were further added as giants, the fourth maker was installed in 1976 which was the largest one having speed of 1700 feet per minute.

Out of 4 machines, the 4th produced 280 heaps out of total output of 570 lots. Major items of the company are wood complimentary papers and its market was dominated by Xerographic paper. Other un-coated great paper includes book paper and paper for composing tablets. There are some other papers such as mechanical and layered papers however covered documents need heavy finish equipment, whereas mechanical papers can not be produced at plant. Paper could vary in area from 15 to 100 pounds per unit location, on the other hand Xerox paper weight 20 lbs in Stermon's plant.

North American market was the biggest un-coated manufacturer of great paper. Global paper was the largest company of un-coated fine paper with sales of $12.96 billion in 1990.

Here is Excel Solution of Stermon Mills Case Study

Example #8: Pilgrim Bank

The Pilgrim Bank is running in the retail banking industry. At this moment of time, the business remains in a stage of deciding regarding the Internet method that it requires to utilize.

Company Problem

If they should, the problem that the group is currently facing is to choose A.start charging fees for use of the electronic banking channel or B.begin offering consumer rewards such as refunds and lower service charges to motivate higher use of the channel.

The decision will depend upon the success of online customers.

Here is Excel Solution of Pilgrim Bank Case Study

Example #9: Home Depot Inc

The company, House Depot Inc. is known to be the largest retailer of items in home improvement and known to be the third biggest firm in the United States that was established in 1978 and located in Atlanta, Georgia.

The business is known to be a leader in diy market all over in United States. Since of its large warehousing center; the business was able to offer its products in big volume at low prices, the business has huge storage facilities to save the products and. With the help of warehousing facility, House Depot effectively implemented low prices in addition to high service.

Evaluating the financial and running efficiency of the business, it can be stated that the business was carrying out extremely well throughout the decade of 90s. By the end of 90s, the company had become the market leader in the home enhancement market of the country.

The industry in which the House depot Inc. ran is known to be a growing one, which can not be easily impacted by the ups and downs in the economy. In the home enhancement industry, several rivals were operating but being the leader in the market, Home Depot occupied the largest market share amongst them.

Furthermore, the company had taken a number of initiatives to increase the growth and market share of the company such as changing the formats of stores, going after professional customers, advancement of organisation on web and addition in its store line. The efforts were profitable but risky.

Here is Excel Solution of Home Depot Inc Case Study

Example #10: Porcinis Prontos

The marketplace in which Porcinis runs is reaching its saturation point. Giant restaurant chains are contemplating to expand their operations in the foreign markets. Porcinis Inc. does not have those much financial resources to broaden in the foreign markets.

Hence, the problem provided in the event study is:

" How to expand in the domestic market without jeopardizing on food and service quality" Tom Alessio, marketing vice president at Porcinis gave a concept of opening a new chain called "Pronto." These dining establishments can be developed at inter-state highway offering limited-menu. The highlight of these will be Porcinis quality food as compared to other competitors and a restricted selection of beer and wines.

The realty expert suggested that "ideal" locations for Pronto would be:

- Near inter-state highway exits - Near filling station - Near economy level accommodations - Near a large office building, office park, or shopping area - Within Porcinis Inc.'s operating area - Fairly far-off from present Italian restaurant

The signs that are triggering these problems vary from restricted capital schedule to no access to prime property places. The development in the business was slow and there the business had restricted capital to invest in expansion in the domestic markets.

Management had actually formerly taken a go-slow approach in their standard organisation nevertheless; they chose quicker growth for Pronto.

Here is Excel Solution of Porcinis Prontos Case Study

Example #11: Walmart around the World Harvard Case Solution & Analysis


Walmart should not enter into such market where there is no predictable possibility, such as the nation like China, where people are more ambitious to the built-in home-grown stuffs than believing other. Therefore, they were required to exist which occur so much loss of investing there. Constantly struggling for market share in such market could outcome into wastage of a lot of time and money.

To select the most appropriate location to found the ventures is most significant for the accomplishment of Walmart. Operating and investing in a wrong location by being optimist that it will grow cannot be possibly wise decision. Not every market is appropriate for the policies of the organization.


Walmart must highly give emphasis to the research before entering into Asian Market or Markets like them. Research has always been important and crucial in any domain. It is the procedure of assembling info from consumers and understanding to retain them and attract fresh ones. It is desirable to recognise the procurement actions of the buyer because to forecast about it deprived of enough authentic data can be problematic.

Because if after establishing the business, Walmart fails to take into account the customer's benefits and needs then it can cause heavy losses. Walmart must not only first do comprehensive investigation about the societal, cultural, economic and political all external influences of the area but also should do appropriate advertising, marketing and promotion so that the people, dealers and other concerned organisations should know better and only then they will like to do business with them. Also, people may buy only after having the proper knowledge.

Example #12: Production & Marketing Departments Interconnected

A textile oriented company have two main departments which were interconnected. One is production department and another was marketing department. The production department's targets to produce the quality clothes according to the cost and budgets which are set by finance officers but later on the Marketing department claimed that the products which are produced are not matching the needs of the customers. The production departments get confused that how they can produced that much products with the availability of cost. The lack of communication and conflicts between these two departments created a problem through which they were losing their customers.

The CEO however hired a coordinator for these departments for 3 months to resolve this conflict and find the possible solutions regarding it. He focused that the marketing department is influenced by the external factors whereas the production department is influenced by the internal environment. He becomes a communication channel between these two parties, the work was yet simple to daily update each other departments regarding the products productions and what innovative changes the production department can make according to the marketing requirements. The reports however created and their presentations are prepare. Then everyone has to attend the presentations and seminars before any product launches or re-launch.

Example #13: Apple Company Case on changing its Advertisements Strategy

There are many huge fans of IPHONE, Apple fans out there. Apple has developed its advertisement strategies with the passage of time. We saw many advertisements that are created to emotionally touch the customers without focusing or highlighting the features of the cell phones. IPHONE created cognitive advertisements when they launched their different phones, discussing about the features, quality and so on.

As the people were attracted towards the emotional and sentiments advertisements, IPHONE change its strategy to the emotional view of advertisements. With the change of this strategy, the promotion was not yet successful, because people doesn't want to see the emotions but want to gain the knowledge regarding the product features and its qualities. They conduct the case analysis, which helps them to analyse which advertisement is better for them whether emotional view or cognitive view, and they select cognitive.
How does a Harvard Case Study Work To be able to determine the Harvard case study work, one should know about its procedure and method of conducting case analysis of Harvard.
If one want to make an effective Harvard case study solutions, they must know some essential elements of doing these case studies and also must familiar of Harvard case solutions. There are some reasons of doing Harvard case studies, and also many benefits. Before you start preparing your own case study of Harvard, you must know the actual process of making it. Creating a Harvard case can take a lot of time and efforts but you have to develop your case in a formal structure way. You have to ignore all the historical background section in this kind of case study. The very first step is to explain the current situation which is primary part of the project you are doing.

For example, if you are analysing the effects of seasonal variations on tourism demands, then you will first learn about the surrounding data. The students have to evaluate the issues that are occurring because of this problem, so you will be able to understand what requirements you need to fulfil. Once you are doing with the planning structure, you will find the Harvard referenced articles of those cases and will study about the problem demographically. Once you have gathered all the information and all the articles are with you. Than you have to do brainstorming of all these collected ideas. You must analyse what is best according to you, and what are its reasons. The more data you will put in your work, the more informative your case studies will become.

Example #14:

Carded Graphics, LLC Case Study Solution.

Example #15:

H. J. HEINZ Case Solution.

How To Prepare a Case Solution

Before you start writing, you analyse the view points of your case study and carry research on it. Any case which you are selecting must be according to the field of area you are selecting, the case study techniques are qualitative, and often sometimes the students takes interviews from the organization. For example, if it's a case study to analyse the employee's motivation, you will conduct an interview with the HR manager of that company.

You must write your case studies in a persuasive format. Discuss the case issues extensively with the help of basic learnings and the resources which you have collected. Harvard case studies also focus on the time durations, you must set a timer with you when you are doing such case studies solutions. At least identify two to five problems and make their solutions as it will also improve your analytical skills.

It's good if you have a raw information of your case study. Not only to get the information regarding the topic or case, but you have to focused on the problems, issues and situations which you are facing around yourself. As we take an example of employees motivation analyse, if employees are not satisfied neither they are not motivated what problematic factors are decreasing the motivation level of employees is essential to know while doing case studies. You have to learn about the positive and negative impacts, and other elements effects on your topic. Once you do it, you have to highlight the major issues and ignore the unnecessary things. After studying the problem in detail, you must carry on with the research of Facts.

These facts can be in numbers or new knowledge that can add value in your case studies. For instance, if you are taking a case study of a company also learn what approaches and techniques they are using. You must know the reasons of those approaches, how they impact the organizations, the reasons of those problems which are existed and why they are existed is important to know. On a case study, highlight or underlines the problems before staring your writings.

Focus on your Analysis

You must focus on the factors whether the organization external factors or internal factors. Let's take an example like; if you are given a case analysis or study of financial crisis, you will analyse the situation what factors are the reasons of the financial crisis, write the main issues which are occurring because of financial crisis. Gather all the resources to analyse who is responsible for them and why they are taking place.

Think Out of the Box

Case studies involves analytic thinking of students, the students have to think beyond their textbooks and the published articles. They have to create their own ways to understand the case study and how to answers them with correct reasons. Conduct an outside research use different internet sources to create and expand the knowledge of the case study.

Reading a case study won't help you but going in dep't of each terminology related with your case study will help you to create some possible solutions. As, once you have complete the target of getting information of Pros and Cons of the case study you will be able to do them. So always try to use your ideas which you have generated yourself during the lectures or group discussions.

Drafting the Case Study ( A rough Draft)

Once you have noted down all the key points discuss above, then you will figure out which heading you will add in your case studies, a draft can be a basic format of the general sections which are included in the projects. Many researchers failed in adding the facts because there are countless facts of each case study which is not even discover and yet to discover by the students. Many students spends months and months to analyse the facts related with their case studies. If you want to catch the attraction of the readers and teachers, adding interesting facts can be a good thing.


In your introduction you must include thesis statements, aims and objectives, and the main reasons why you have taken this case study to analyse. The aims and objectives will be your primary goal regarding your case studies.

If you are analysing the case studies of marketing project, than you will add the main objectives like "eliminate the market failures by adopting the promotion tools" which can be taken as an objective when you are doing the research on Market Failures of the companies. The introduction will also follows the direction how you conduct your case study research, which location you target, on which incomes and what genders can be added in the introduction section as well.


Add what are the existence data of the case study which you have gathered along with you. Outline all the pieces of the case study. The background of company can be included as well in this section. Where you will write about the company past and present experiences. The initial step is to know about the background niche. If you are particularly discussing about a problem highlight only that department facts. You can give it a heading of Background or Executive summary of the company or organizations. Adding the company visions and mission statements will add value in your projects and case studies.

Main Idea of the Case

The main idea reflects your case study into more theoretical based format. Once you have only structure with you that would not be enough. But you have to add main ideas of the topic. If you are selecting any company and your field is marketing try to add everything about the marketing functions of the case study. For instance, adding published articles ideas, and websites information which you have gather can also be added in the case study.

Proposed Solutions and Recommendations in Conclusions Sub-Heading

Hire someone to do your Case Study After you have evaluated the issues in the problem statement or the main body of the case study. Now you will focused on the solutions of them. Making solutions on your own is not a requirement, but you have to provide a reason along with each problem.

If you have enough potential of answering the case studies with the reasons which are hidden in those long paragraphs, than you can easily write down recommendations for the companies. For example, as we took an example before of Sony, in which the aim was to identify the issues which were creating loss for Sony Company. Where we identify different reasons like technology and also wrote why? It means going with only one problem and one solution is not attainable, students have to focus on the entire problems and must work on its conclusions. Discuss all the variables whether negative or positive in detail.

No matter, how long these case studies are but once you know the problems and its solutions you will achieve high scores in these case studies. If you will analyse the case studies problems then it will save your time probably and you have to stick to the point. Case studies demand reasonable and to the point answers.

It is essential for students and researchers to know how you can solve the different case studies by using general structure of HARVARD and why these case studies are important in your fields. We hope that our article helped you in what you were searching for. Always remember, case studies boost your knowledge and expertise in learning new concepts of the topics.

Moreover, the cases you do open-up your mind and you get an opportunity to learn various examples regarding these case studies. If you want to boost your knowledge and skills, then you must solve some of the case studies. You can also select the case studies which we have discussed above of Apple, Nokia, ORKUT, Walmart and other companies which we have taken as example.

Hire someone to do your Case Studies

You can hire someone who have expertise in doing case studies. The experts who have problem solving skills can solve your projects easily. It takes at least five to six hours to get your case study done. We have some experts where you can get your case studies and analysis done.

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